Friday, July 9, 2010

The BC Bombers!

So here we are just a few weeks out from the first annual home run derby - to benefit at Marshwood Highschool. The Field of Dreams Home Run Derby is taking place this month and has already grown into a community event that not only raises money and awareness to fight breast cancer but also brings the community together in a day of celebration. We have had numerous businesses, non profits, and private individuals step up to the plate with generous donations underwrite the day so that nearly 100% of funds raised through the Derby will go directly to

I just recently reached out to a fellow alumni from Traip Academy in Kittery, Maine basically begging him to put a team together to help increase the number of batters that will be competing in the 1st Derby. He was an upper classmen and I wasn't sure if he would even remember who I was. With much surprise and appreciation I received an message back about how he would love to be involved and he would try his best at getting a team of alumni's together for the day. Well, Merle just registered as captain and created The BC Bombers. They are stepping up to the plate and are helping us to save 2nd base.

Team Laffalot is extremely thankful and appreciative of everything that our community has done to support our local team in fighting breast cancer and as we begin our third year with our walk in N.Y.C we will be carrying each and everyone of you with us and feeling your support each step of the way!